
// "Timecell, connection of time

August 2024, completion of the art project "Timecell" for the Egge School in Lier/Norway. Art in public space with a concept for the integration of students in the outdoor and indoor spaces.

// Final Exhibition Symposium`2024

After six weeks of working together with eight international sculptors, the 21st International Larvikite Sculpture Symposium Norge ended on August 10th, 2024 with a public exhibition of the sculptures on the Sculpture Park Stalaker, Larvik/Tjodalyng.

A temporary symposium project in collaboration with the stone industry of Lundhs AS and Kunstfelt Stalaker.

// ART PROJECT "Timecell", Egge School/ Lier 2024

"Timecell" is a collaborative work with the sculptor M.Kuhn and an art project for the Egge School which is based on a commission from the Lier municipality to carry out an art project with the students. To learn, reflect and actively participate. "Timecell" refers to the 100th anniversary of the school and the idea of making this historic time visible locally and internationally. The topic of "Timecell" with regard to the future is documented and demands attention by a large stone plate in the floor of the entrance area. Another sculpture project that refers to the past and actively involves children will follow in the outdoor area in June 2024.


Integration in the new building interior June 2024

// 21st International Larvikite Symposium 2024

The Symposium Norge is a non-commercial event that takes place every two years in a Larvikitt quarry from Lundhs AS in the south of Norway. The symposium is sponsored by the stone industry and carried out by Kunstelt Stålaker. This year we are once again looking for international sculptors who would like to create sculptures with the Norwegian Larvikite for a period of six weeks in summer.

// Art project Egge School Lier/Norway June, 2024

Commission from Lier Municipality awarded through an art competition for public spaces/ collaborative work with the sculptor M.Kuhn

This project actively involves the students of the Egge School in the art process. The "Timecell" idea is based on the school's 100th birthday, as well as the fact that the school is located on a terminal moraine and thus creates an imaginary connection to the Ice Age. The theme of time and stone is the theme of the art project, which cuts up a moraine stone and asks the students to find symbols from the last 100 years in class, which can be linked to the history of the school. The symbols tell stories and create memories and encourage reflection. We artists prepare the Larvikite stone and bring the selection of symbols onto the stone surfaces using sandblasting technology. Placed in the school grounds, the sculptures invite to discover, climb and think.

// Larvik Hedersprisene 2023

Ceremonial handover of my graphic works "Temporary Imprints" by representatives of Larvik Municipality to the winners of the Larvik Municipality's "Hedersprisene 2023" as part of the Larvik Culture Night on November 11th, 2023.

// Furubo omsorgsboliger 2023

Commission awarded through an art competition for public spaces/ collaborative work with the sculptor M.Kuhn
Commission from the Sør-Odal municipality for the park area of the new assisted living complex in Skarnes. Completion September 2023.

// Stonelines 2023/24

New Prints `23 with a focus on temporary prints that change through the process of further processing and printing.


En natt med lys, bål, stein og skulptur! Velkommen til belyste skulpturer på Stålaker Skulpturpark i visuelt samspill med steinbrudd, industri og natur.

Kunstfelt Stålaker (KFS) er en sammenslutning av kunstnere som har som mål å fremme kulturlivet på Stålaker/Tjodalyng. KFS initierer kunstprosjekter i forbindelse med skulptur og grafikk og i samarbeid med steinindustrien og individuelle kunstneriske verk. Hvert andre år, som en del av "International Larvikite Sculpture Symposium Norge", inviteres billedhuggere direkte til Stålaker-bruddet for å jobbe med den lokale larvikitten. Et utvalg av skulpturene er utstilt i Stålakers skulpturpark og kan oppleves av publikum.
Kulturnatt i Larvik`22/ Larvik Kommune

// 20th International Symposium 2022

Since 1985, international stone sculptors have been invited every two years to the quarry of Tjodalyng/Larvik in southern Norway, to work sculptural with the local blue-crystalline Larvikite. 

The artist comes to the stone and encounters industry, nature and new artistic challenges. After a 3-year break, the Symposium Norge invited nine international sculptors in July 2022 to the 20th International Larvikite Sculpture Symposium Norge in cooperation with the stone industry of Lundhs AS and the Kunstfelt Stålaker.

// Exhibition Kunstsenter 2021

Joint exhibition with members of the Vestfolds Art Association.

// Skarnes, Sør-Odal 2022

Invitation from Sør-Odal Municipality, Norway to present ideas for the new train station area in Skarnes/ collaborative work with the sculptor M.Kuhn. Development of the sculpture project "Metamorfose" for the outside area of the train station and as a place marker for the surrounding park. The topic was recognition, succinctness and the connection of historical features of the station in the transformation to the present. Joint art project.

// Exhibition Kunstsenter

Joint exhibition with members of the Vestfolds Art Association.


"Sinus" fountain sculpture placed in front of the new Jotron building in Larvik/Norway, together with a Larvikite bench with wooden inserts/ collaborative work with the sculptor M.Kuhn
This order includes the integration of the entrance area of the new building into an artistic statement and the creation of an identity and invitation to linger. Flowing water connects, is heard and connects the element of stone. The blue-crystalline Larvikite is Norway's national stone and was quarried and processed from a quarry just a few kilometers away.

# Oslo Kvadratur

The exhibition was a collaborative project between 5 architectural offices and 4 artists; who worked with wood, stone, film and graphics. 
The exhibition rooms in the Oslo district "Kvadratur" invited visitors to engage with and experience the old district in the area. My contribution was a printed representation of my photographic experiences on a day tour through the houses and streets in the area. In keeping with literary models, it was about experiencing the different levels of a daily routine. The contrasts between the old, historic Oslo and today's modern, consumer-oriented district were fascinating.

// Kunstforening Lillesand

Group exhibition. Artistic impressions on the subject of "books" using stone and printing techniques in one communication. What can be seen when a stone book is opened. Which geological templates can be represented in print? Print graphics on the subject of “ExLibris” interpreted from the stone.

ESMoa, experimentally museum Art

It is ESMoA’s mission to act as a catalyst for creative thinking in the South Bay and greater Los Angeles area with a focus on experimental exhibitions, community engagement, and arts education. In the ELSEGUNDISSIMO project Experience 27,100th anniversary of El Segundo, ideas for urban development were honored and exhibited.