Kriss cross through Oslos district "Kvadratur" - print graphic snapshots
Impressions, insights. contrasts.
"The day is a book, and each hour is a page." James Joyce
Inspired by James Joyce's "Ulysses" and Arno Schmidt's "Zettel's Dream", my print work "#Kvadradur" focuses on a day tour through the "Kvadratur" district in Oslo/ Norway. Kvadraturen was built by the Danish king as a Renaissance town after the city fire of 1624. The district got its name because of the square streets and quarters. With my camera, I photographically immortalized impressions and situations that spontaneously encountered me there. It can be all kinds of traffic, tourism, a bustling public life, lifestyle and consumption, but also architecture, memorials and museums. The background was not really a purposeful search for sights, but rather just a walk through a district in Oslo. The clear right-angled structure of the street flights with constantly new crossings into new streets determines the directions of the movements, the stay and the angle of view. In the street scenes that are constantly repeated and that seem almost identical, it is not only historic Oslo that can be recognized in the tracks of time, but also the city's desire to integrate Kvadraturen into the present and represent Norwegian culture. This is how the diverse contrasts become eye-catching, connecting a modern and active city life with historical credentials..
My work is also concerned with giving a contrasting presentation. In this way, modern digital photography becomes an aid to preserve my impressions, and the old technique of graphic printing becomes an artistic expression. I have assembled these photographic snapshots like a puzzle into a collage, and then give an interpretation of these with my graphic work. The technique of photopolymer printing gives me the opportunity to manipulate the photographic patterns and put them into a new artistic context.